Monday, July 14, 2008

Blackberries From My Own Bush!

We have several Blackberry bushes in our backyard. DH planted them about 5 years ago. His idea of planting is to dig a hole, plant the bush, give them a drink of water, and then to leave them to survive on their own! LOL! Last year we actually had a few berries (I think a total of 3!) and this year the bushes are COVERED with berries. I have been able to eat quite a few, but most have not ripened. Here's a group....they are HUGE! I took some pictures of the berries with my soap and lotion. This is my Blackberry Sage Soap.
It's so hard to take a full picture of my bottles..they are so tall!


Anonymous said...

Holy cow!!! The very second I saw this my mouth started watering I swear! BEAUTIFUL captures!! I'm a blackberry fan :)

Artur said...
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Anonymous said...

oooohhhh those blackberries looks so yummy French!

w said...

wow. i leave a lot of my plants to survive on their own. but i don't get yummy berries.

Kristen said...

Oh, those look so good! And they look beautiful with your products. Your post reminded me of spending the summer with my cousins in Oregon, picking Blackberries off their
bushes :)

Anhoki's Place said...

They look luscious. My mom just made me some blackberry jam this week so I can relate. Congrats!

Anonymous said...

Yummy! This will be the first year we have some in our backyard, too!

Julie Ann Art said...

those blackberries look SCRUMPTIOUS!

we have raspberries in our backyard and we have good years and bad years with them.

Learning Spanish at 41 said...

Just makes me want to bake a PIE! Yummy...blackberries are so summertime! :-)

Dressed Up Digger said...

these look truly scrumptious!!
