My two Cairn Terries! I love them to pieces, and they bring joy to me each and every day!
Scout is on the left. We found Scout through the newspaper. Not the best place to find a dog, but we had been looking for Cairn Terriers for several years and kept coming up empty. Scout was 10 weeks old when we adopted her and at the time, she was all black. You see, Cairns change colors, and within a years span, can change from an all black dog, to a wheaten (blond).
Finch, on the right, came from a breeder. I found Finch through a website. I had mentioned that we were searching for another Cairn, and a member emailed to let me know that she had a friend that breeds Cairns. After a lot of communication, we adopted Finch! She was only 2 weeks old, so we had to wait until she was 8 weeks old before she could come home.
Finch is 4 years old today! As you can see, she loves balls! Finch is usually carrying something in her mouth....either a ball, or a Frisbee. She know all of them as "balls".
Scout, above left, is almost 6 years old. Her birthday is April 1st! She our quiet one. She loves to observe lift from a corner of the world. As Finch is running around chasing balls, Scout is in a corner, watching carefully, while listening to nature.
What a life indeed!! They can come play at my house anytime :)
Awww, how vute!
Ahhh they are soo cute!
Awww they are so cute. Terriers can be a handful. I have an Australian Shepherd. :)
Scout and Finch are so cute -- I didn't know that about Cairn Terriers -- that their fur can change colors. They are adorable! I see someone has a birthday coming soon -- Happy Birthday Scout, you're not getting older, you're getting cuter!
Your pups are so cute! My fiance and I want dogs so bad but have to wait until we buy a house. Such sadness! I really would like a yorkshire terrier and or a golden retriever.
Have a great weekend! ruff ruff!
Oh my goodness, your little dogs brought back memories - Growing up in a family of 7, we had a carin terrier (which made 8!), her name was Tammy! Your little ones look just like her!!!! Boy, that made my day!!!
these are the cutest dogs ever1 ;) I read all about carin terriers. I really want to get one... when I can convince my hubby that is! lol! ;)
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