Monday, March 10, 2008

My View Of Life Today

This is what I see when I first get up in the morning and the last thing I see at night! Hopefully it comes off the end of this week. Reminder to self: call the dr and see when my post op visit is! My cast will come off and then I get to wear a beautiful walking boot! Not sure why they call them walking boots, since I won't be able to put any weight down for at least 7 more weeks!


Callooh Callay said...

Hi Elizabeth--you poor thing! I knew there were some other St. Louisans out there on Etsy, but you're just the second one I've met (I'll have to read profile info. more often!). Good luck getting back on your feet.

Earmark Social said...

oh you poor thing... at least you will be up and running for nice weather! well maybe not running :)

Your blog is great and I love your etsy shop, you have been a favorite of mine for quite some time!

Good luck and I hope you have a quick recovery in your walking boot!